Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Being Real

The 9 for IX came on ESPN2 Sunday before the USWNT step onto the field Monday night as they begin their quest for another World Cup title.

The documentary shows behind the scenes footage of one of the greatest soccer teams to grace the planet-The 1999 Women's World Cup Team. They were focused on being heroes to one another.

I heard something watching it a second time that I didn't quite hear the first time. Let me set the scene. The documentary covers the 1999 Women's World Cup. It's perspective is from the hands of a team member's video camera. One of the players documented everything they did from practice to post game locker room celebrations to half time pick me ups from their captain and their bus rides.

Then the documentary breaks out and there's the players in present day (14 years later) sitting on a field one afternoon talking about the days of old. They're reminiscent, jovial, serious and then light in their conversation.

Julie Foundy ask the question: "What do you remember about the team?"

One of the responses was "It was real community. And it was real closeness."

I got emotional because that's what I'm looking for. I think it's what we're all looking for. We want our businesses, family, and our circle of friends to have real closeness and community.

Some of us have even tasted it.

We've either been in a healthy business or we've been in a healthy relationship with our spouse. We've got people who can tell us who our best friends our because it's so evident. We've seen sports team that click on certain occasions and seem to transcend reality to accomplish something that was previously unattainable.

I think the reason we wait in long lines to see movies or we celebrate hero's and buy their books, or we enjoy a comic strip is because the characters get to play like we want to live. We want to be real people who connect with real people.

My emotion comes from a time where I had it for two weeks in a sport setting. If you played football for Georgia Southern University for Brain VanGorder and you started working out in the Spring of 2007, you know what I'm talking about. There's only about 100 people who can tell you what it was like. Because if you weren't in it, you didn't understand. But, and it's a big "but" if you were: it was real. It was intense and we were literally changing overnight both with our physique and mental toughness.

I can only share what I have. I have a certain set of experiences that have led me to share. Share what I'm passionate about: being real.

Thanks Team USA for being the girls next door and inspiring millions to be just like you when we grow up!

Be real.

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