Thursday, August 16, 2012


Who are we around most and what are they doing to me? Where have they got me going? What do they have me reading? What have they got me listening to?

Might be a helpful question if you have ever listened to the lizard brain. -per Seth Godin

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The People Paradox

The P****** with people is that they are all different.

People are the biggest asset to any church, community, business, organization, or school. Andrew Carnegie said one time if you were to remove my factory and leave my people, within a short amount of time we would have a better working factory, remove my people from the factory and it would crumble. I paraphrase.

Matt DiFebo said when you invest in people revenue happens. How true?

How are you putting the emphasis on the people? How does your team know that they are the most important piece of the puzzle? Are you striving to make there job easy? Are you pushing for their development?

People helping people, it's a beautiful thing.

What do you sell?

Not are you a salesman, because we are all in sales, but what do you sell?

How does your yard look? How clean do you keep your car? Is your Bible on your coffee table or beside your bed? Do your kids ask you to read them bedtime stories? Does your clothing say "I can afford high dollar".

Little choices plus time equal a lifestyle. By the choices we make, we sell people on our idea of lifestyle and try to win people over to what we do/see/buy. I enjoy a good college football game, and if someone admits to me that they don't like football, I will probably launch into a dissertation about how they should, what it meant in my life, and the best team to pull for. I am sure I would do this subconsciously. It would not be something I had to think about.

We have a choice about what we want to sell.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How success is defined

Today I am in Chicago and in less than 14 days I will be in Tampa, FL at a new job. Success at my previous place of employment was based on food going out the door. Did it get out quickly? Yes or no. That was the basics. I am headed to a new job where success will be based off what position I am in. I was told that depending on what hat I am wearing success will be different things. This is just success from the professional realm.

How do I define success?

  • getting from the day, not getting through the day
  • drawing closer to God, not to Satan
  • asking questions instead of talking
  • learning as opposed to informing 
"Get busy living, or get busy dying."