Monday, May 12, 2014

The Idea of a Shepard

What do sheep need?

Water. Food. Protection. A shepherd.

What does the shepherd need from the sheep.

Its' coat to make wool. Its' milk to make butter or cheese. The sheep must stay alive for the shepherd to profit from it's natural resources.

What is the correlation between us as individuals and our need to behave like a shepherd or at times, like a sheep? 

I want my cake and the ability to eat it too. 

I want water, food, protection (financial, physical or otherwise), and a leader to guide my efforts in making this happen. I have to search for these things. I have to read, and study and be ready for my number to be called. But on the other hand...

I also want to look at the proverbial sheep and to be able to derive a profit from it's natural resources in order to make a living. I want to see a process that is natural and look for ways to earn an income from it. Like one might put a windmill on their own property because they have a lot of wind. I want to be the leader who looks ahead and steers clear of present danger. I want to be a protector of what is mine. 

At times we are the sheep or the shepherd, but never both at the same time. 

Which category do you fall into and why do you fit there? Do you like being a sheep? Do you understand the pressure involved with being the shepherd? 

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