Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fall down seven

Stand up eight.

Today I got an extra spoonful of humbling pie after a conversation with my boss. There is a reason that every great player has a coach. The reason being, you can't think of everything when you are playing the game.

After a tough day, I just needed to ask some questions.

Why is it I can't just figure it out?

What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't this have an easy button? Why do I continue to struggle with something I have tried to fix?

At the singular moment, I feel like I am the only person on the planet who suffers from prioritizing. If I heard it once I heard it a thousand times as a kid. "Don't let time slip away from ya Austin," she used to call as she walked by me watching another hour of TV. Powerful words from my Mom. I think I was ten. Sixteen years later I am quoting her sound advice.

How true she is.

It's hard to go back to work the next day with a smile, but I know I can do it. Core four to the max.

Same guy, more experience.

Here's to all my friends who have been knocked down, and got back up.

This one's for you.

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