Sunday, November 9, 2014

Make it Happen Monday

I love working on Monday's. Dan Cathy has been quoted by saying "Thank God It's Monday!" TGIM for some.

I like his perspective. As a business, we get two full nights of rest before we start our work week. If done right, that could be about 16 hours of rest. If you were disciplined enough to go to bed and rise at a reasonable hour, Mondays might be easy for you.

When you start off on the right foot, it's easier to keep that trend going. Come this Monday morning, you have the chance to get started on the right foot. If you're interested. I know a lot of people aren't interested. They rather complain about the sorry state of their presence and make sure others feel the same way. But not you.

What would happen to the people around you if you showed up early and prepared on Monday?
How would people respond to a Positive Peter in the work place on Monday? How are you greeting people when you walk in on Monday?

I know that I am asking you to literally be different than you may have been your whole life, but I know the magic that comes from the attempt to make your space/world better.

Who knows what sort of transformation you might make happen on Monday's.

What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome on Mondays?

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