Saturday, December 13, 2014

The power of associations

Who am I around and what are they doing to me?

It's really easy to see how people are living their lives by looking at the people they spend time with. I know that the rule of thumb is that your salary is similar to your five closest friends. I want to know if that's true. I would like to see someone comment below to either enforce this idea or reject it. (a good way to tell might be looking at your recent calls on your telephone and see if it holds up)

Why should you care who you are around?

After a couple of questions to people share what they are doing and who they are doing it with. What shakes me up is that they want changes in their life and don't change their friend circle.

If you goal is to get to point A. And you know people who have not been to point A, why continue to spend time with people who can't help you get to point A.

This stuff shows up every where. All it takes is someone to stop for a moment and do some introspection.

Who am I around and what are they doing to me? And is that ok?

There are some people who you can be around for a few minutes, but not a few hours. There are some people you can be around for a few hours, but not a few days. There are some people you can be around for a few days, but not a few years.

This stuff is so subtle. If you don't notice the gentle nudge in your back, you might wind up off course.

NASA's space ships are only on course for their destination 3% of the time. The rest of the time they are adjusting their course. Brief, but minute, focused adjustments.

I hope you take a moment and comment below with who you friends are, and if your salary is similar to theirs. I'll go first.


  1. 6 out of 13 are similar in salaries. Not sure what that means for me, but I guess I could use some rich friends.

  2. I think this is a hard question to answer. Although i do not have an answer directly, i believe i my friends and i have different lifestyles which allows some of us to have more debt then others, whereas others have children or other financial situations. I think its less about a financial status but more about who encourages you to do better with yourself.

    1. I know it's hard to answer, but I think it's worth looking at.
      Did you decide if you shared similar salaries? If the associations were consistent?
