Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Changes they are a'coming

I have been working hard at Chick-fil-A and have not been blogging like I should have been. I can see my mother now wagging her finger in my general direction...

Over the course of time this blog has helped me make connections, gain clarity and grow. What I want to use it for in the future is a place for leaders within Chick-fil-A restaurants to write, reply and talk about the systems and processes we have in place for our restaurants.


We have been meeting informally across the country and swapping best practices. It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to plan a meeting that covers a whole city/market i.e. Tampa, FL (39 stores and about a 1.5 hour driving radius on average).

I want to take our conversations digital. Chick-fil-A and other companies are moving in such a way now and have been for some time.

Two things are going to happen to this blog:

1. I'm going to get clear about what I'm doing: posting content about Operations and best practices and the lessons I've learned along the way.

2. I took all of my subscribers from MailChimp and moved them to this blog. You will now all be receiving an confirmation email confirming your subscription to this blog. Please say "Yes" and continue with me on my professional journey!

It's hard for a beginner like myself to share with you how much your input and subscriptions mean to me. When you call, text, ask, respond, or otherwise mention my blog and it's contents-it thrills me to no end.

Thank you for reading.

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