Sunday, December 14, 2014

Writing Scares the Be-Jesus out of me

Every time I look at the "publish" button I get scared.

Because I don't know what happens after that. The unavoidable. The unknown. I met a man last night and told him I was a blogger. I've had a blog since 2006 and that's the first time in public I've made that statement.

I write so I can clear my brain of thoughts. But I also write to connect.

I want to know which post you have most enjoyed and why.

The first two people who comment below and tell me which blog post and why will get shipped Seth Godin's new book "What to do when it's your turn (and it's always your turn)".

Simple eh? Let's see who the first two readers are!



  1. The marvelous Monday one and the power in associatation

  2. I enjoyed reading I'm a Little Tea Pot the most. It expresses a real life story of happiness. And it allows me to look forward to those moments in my life that i can be happy with the people i surround myself with.
    My second would be Drip Drip Drip. Its just because it is so true. If you work at something over time, it can be such a powerful thing in both a positive and negative. Examples: Finding and understanding your faith or like you said torture.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I appreciate you adding some content!
